
堆历 | 教育是激发和满足好奇心

作者:Lisa 发布时间:

堆历 | 教育是激发和满足好奇心

作者:Lisa 发布时间:




昨天,芬兰Hermanni小学的校长Lisa Paavilainen向我们展示了她做老师前后的教育历程。今天, Penni & Lady Lion 继续为大家带来她对“好的教育”的理解。


Lisa: 理想的教育可以培养学生的思维能力和学习能力,使学生在学习的过程中不断地提高自信心和自尊心,最终建立起对自己的认知。孩子有着与生俱来的好奇心和求知欲,教育的第一步就是激发学生的好奇心,满足孩子在这方面的追求,而不是扼杀它。我们生活的世界并没有被切割为一个个被称为“学校科目”的部分,那么为什么学校要硬生生地用一个个科目来教孩子?



What is good or ideal education?

Ideal education is the development of thinking and learning skills with the ultimate goal of building and increasing the students’ self-esteem and self-image as a learner. It starts from igniting curiosity. Children are naturally curious. School should feed into that curiosity instead of killing it. The world around us in not broken up into segments called school subjects, so why should school be? I believe in phenomenon based learning, where the learners interest is aroused to find out about a phenomenon and dig as deep into it as possible. Phenomenon based learning will lead to the student understanding how different things are connected and build whole entities. They are real issues that can be looked at from many different angles and perspectives. Making studying and learning real and connected to the student’s own world is a key factor. From there it is good to broaden horizons.

The meaning of learning should be to increase understanding of the world and universe around us and to give the students challenges that will help them reach their full potential. The goal of education should, in my opinion, be for the learner to find their strengths and through them their place in the surrounding world and society, where their skills can be of use and joy to themselves and others. It’s about getting the most out of life and giving back to it in service to others. So it is not just about the individual, but rather the individual in relation to others in a social context. It’s about feeling meaningful and appreciated in society. It’s about self-worth and happiness in being able to use one’s own talents for the benefit of a bigger cause.



欢迎来信:lei.peng@jmdedu.com 或 chuying.liang@jmdedu.com.   

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