今天,Penni为大家带来芬兰教育创业者 Tuomas Kauppinen 的来信。他对海外学习深感受益,现在从事着帮助芬兰学生到亚洲留学,以及将芬兰教育带给更多学生的事业。
许多年以前,我作为一名交换生到上海学习,这件事改变了我的人生轨迹。不仅我的职业生涯,我的个人生活也从此改变。我创办了自己的公司 Asia Exchange,帮助芬兰学生到亚洲求学。我自己也搬到香港生活,在那里组成了一个幸福的家庭。对来到上海之后发生的一切,我十分感激。
Q: What is your story about education?
Tuomas: I was an exchange student in Shanghai back many many years ago, it was a life-changing experience, not only in terms of my career life but also of my personal life. I started my own business called Asia Exchange. It helps students to study in Asia and I moved to Hongkong, have a happy family there. I am grateful for everything happened after Shanghai. Student mobility is so important on education, so that I believe everyone should have a chance to study abroad, at least once in a life!
Q: What do you think is good or ideal education? Or what kind of people should our "education” nurture?
Tuomas: I believe education is the most powerful weapon, powerful enough to change destiny, powerful enough to change the world. All human deserve good education. And what is good education is the one that can help students discover interests, discover world, discover themselves. I believe, in this sense, Finnish education is a great model for a “good education”.
Q: What is your hope when it comes to education?
Tuomas: As an entrepreneur who has been working in education industry for over ten years, I have never stopped the dream to promote students mobility between Asia and Europe, or even in the whole world. My latest goal of education is to bring 150,000 international students to Finland by 2020, to make the best education system accessible to the world. And I know this is even a small number in terms of the bigger picture of student mobility globally. When education can become boundless just like the globalized world, my dream of education will come true.
Tuomas 现在也是帮学生到芬兰留学的初创公司EduNation的联合创始人。
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来源: 芥末堆